You may be thinking, “Wait, how is the Keyword Mixer tool different from the Keyword Wrapper tool?”
To the uninitiated eye, the two will feel very similar. But there are definitely differences, though you can use the two in conjunction. In fact, you can start with the Keyword Mixer tool and use the information to plug in keywords for the Wrapper tool.
Here’s how it works:
The Keyword Mixer tool can help you place AdWords ads in a more targeted way, using organic phrases.
Note: This version of our online keyword mixer is a tool we’re always improving, so please let us know if you have any suggestions to enhance your search!
You can also use our previous version of the Keyword Mixer tool here.
As you can see, a Keyword Mixer tool (or keyword generator) has a broad range of applications. Yes, you can certainly use it to tighten up your Google AdWords campaigns without trying to merge the sheer number of combinations manually.
However, the Keyword Mixer tool is also a fantastic place for inspiration. Beyond AdWords campaign managers, SEO experts and content writers will also use a Keyword Mixer tool to gain insight into all the possibilities for their chosen search terms.
Even if they’re not sure what their audiences are searching for precisely, the Keyword Mixer tool can give them ideas to get more specific. Using these lists, a content writer or SEO specialist can build and generate “long tail keywords,” which are proven to result in high amounts of organic traffic.
It goes to show that every site is different, we will help you make your mark.